    |                                 QUOTES                                 |
    |  +------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
    |  |  “When the internet arrived, it seemed to promise a liberation   |  |
    |  |   from the boredom of industrial society, a psychedelic          |  |
    |  |   jet-spray of information into every otherwise tedious corner   |  |
    |  |   of our lives. In fact, at its best, it is something else:      |  |
    |  |   a remarkable helper in the search for meaningful connections.  |  |
    |  |   But if the deep roots of boredom are in a lack of meaning,     |  |
    |  |   rather than a shortage of stimuli, and if there is a subtle,   |  |
    |  |   multilayered process by which information can give rise to     |  |
    |  |   meaning, then the constant flow of information to which we are |  |
    |  |   becoming habituated cannot deliver on such a promise."         |  |
    |  |                                                                  |  |
    |  |   — Dougald Hine, “What good is information?                     |  |
    |  +------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
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    |  [SHIFT]  [ALT]   [    space    ]   [,]  [.]  [SHIFT]  [0] [.] [=] [+] |
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